Red Bull Batalla is a freestyle competition that provides a platform for the best Spanish-speaking rapping improvisors to compete. It will return to South Florida for the Regional Qualifier, 7-11 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 26, at SkateBird Miami, 533 NE 83rd St., El Portal. Tickets are $10.

Credit: Red Bull Batalla
Here's a QR code to watch last year's final round in Spain, 2022.
This Miami round in 2023 comes on the heels of regional qualifiers in Los Angeles and Houston and ahead of the National Final in Dallas in November. Top MCs will battle it out to see who can earn their way to Dallas to give themselves a chance at taking on the globe's best talent at the World Final in Bogotá, Colombia Dec. 2. |
Also read our post about the preview party at Pilo’s Tequila Garden Wynwood on Aug. 19.
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More free & cheap entertainment with music in South Florida:
Skatebird Miami, El Portal
533 NE 83rd St.
El Portal, FL 33138