On the outskirts of Whoville lives a green, revenge-seeking Grinch who plans to ruin Christmas for all of the citizens of the town. But he's making a special stop at the Mandel Public Library in West Palm Beach.
The Grinch, a family movie, and a film for kids of all ages will be shown from 2 to 4 p.m., on Saturday, Dec. 23. The library is located at 411 Clematis St., West Palm Beach. The film will be shown in the KidSpace.
Coloring sheets and crayons will be provided. No registration required. For more information, visit wpbcitylibrary.org or call (561) 868-7703.
Admission is free.
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Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach
411 Clematis St.
West Palm Beach, FL 33401