Do you own a restaurant or other business? We have a new way for you to reach your customers: the Miami on the Cheap Business Directory, plus the Miami Restaurant Directory. These directories offer businesses an opportunity to reach more customers at an affordable price – starting with free for basic listings. Even if you …
Designer clothing, furniture, apparel, appliances, toys, electronic items and decorative items are sold at bargain prices at thrift stores in South Florida Some stores sell a wide array of merchandise and others are more focused and limited, with an emphasis on furniture, fine apparel or kids’ items. If you’re interested in making money from your own unwanted items, …
Do you own a restaurant or other business? Do you put on events? We have a new way for you to reach your customers: the Palm Beach on the Cheap Business Directory, plus the Palm Beach County Restaurant Directory. These directories offer businesses an opportunity to reach more customers at an affordable price – starting …
Miami on the Cheap is putting together a directory of South Florida craft shows, holiday bazaars and other such events. If your organization is organizing a craft show or bazaar, even virtually, please email all the information (day, time, place, admission fee if any, types of goods sales) in a Word or text format (not …
With most of us spending more time at home, ordering groceries online is more important now than ever however, this could pose a problem for those less experienced with this service. First you visit the store’s website and need to create an account. A majority of the services require downloading an app like Instacart or …
The Dolphin outlet mall, International Mall and the recently opened IKEA are all situated at the very western edge of Miami in an area known as Doral. We’ve partnered with aResTravel to offer hotel deals to travelers coming to Miami. If you’re traveling to Miami, or welcoming guests to Miami, please check out some of these deals. …
We may miss out on the bright-hued changing of the leaves but fall still happens in Miami and the cooler weather makes it the ideal time to visit outdoor markets. Even with our warm weather, several of the flea markets and outdoor markets continue year-round while others open only during fall months and during that …
There are plenty of choices in Miami to go on the hunt for vintage and consignment steals, but you have to be in the know of where and when to go, to score those coveted designer bargains, as the shops are scattered far and wide around town. Take a look at our handy guide to …
Shopaholics rejoice! Shopping in Miami is serious business. Tourists from all corners of the globe flock to this town to catch a little sun and sand between shopping sprees. Designer brands that are often triple the cost back home or that sometimes cannot be found at all, beckon tourists with deep discounts and major sales …
Whether you are a regular thrift shop explorer or are looking for something to do on a dreary day, there’s something about thrift shops that have us coming back for more. It’s a hunt for that needle in a haystack, our search for our hidden find, and the gem that is waiting to be found. So …