Imagine a place where seniors can attend workshops in multiple languages to learn about how to use Zoom, comprehend computer and cloud storage, better understand smartphone technology, and interact with friends and family on social media.
Well, thanks to AARP and the Older Adults Technology Services program, that dream will become a reality soon at Senior Planet in Wynwood. A new 4,300-square-foot technology-themed community center will focus on building social connections and technology skills through free classes and social events.
Opening day rescheduled to Jan. 8, 2024
Features include the following and more:
- Technology discussion groups guided by local volunteers.
- Training sessions specifically geared for older adults.
- Designed to: Break stereotypes and challenge outdated perceptions around aging.
- 72 Screens in total will feature state-of-the-art computer equipment and Wi-Fi.
Not only will it provide multiple communal spaces for socializing, but will also include a lounge with free coffee bar. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 888-713-3495 for more details or visit Wynwood – Senior Planet from AARP.

Senior Planet in Wynwood, a new technology community center for seniors.
Visitors are welcome to stop and see for themselves this new facility. Senior Planet will be located at 317 NW 28th St., Miami.
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Watch the “hard hat tour” on YouTube.
The center is accessible by public transportation or car. There is street parking available and limited parking behind the center.
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Free and Cheap Things To Do
Senior Planet, Wynwood
317 NW 28th St.
Miami, 33127
888-713-3495 (hotline)