Save $5 on a performance featuring Nova Singers by purchasing tickets online before the show. And, if you’re a student with ID, you can see the performance for free. Children 12 and younger also can attend free. The Nova Singers will celebrate love, peace, hope and dreams in their upcoming concert series “A Choral Fantasy.” …
Pompano Beach
Festivities for St. Patrick’s Day in Broward include bagpipes, parades and Irish dancing. Plenty of the events are free, including parades and festivals. There are also St. Patrick’s Day parties and events in Miami-Dade and St. Patrick’s Day parades and events in Palm Beach County. St. Patrick’s Day events in 2025 in Broward Fort Lauderdale St. …
For a fun evening out that’s friendly for your wallet, direct yourself to downtown Pompano Beach, where you’ll delight in entertainment, food trucks, and art displays indoors and outdoors as part of Old Town Untapped events. The events are usually 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. the first Fridays of the month, except for summer. Entry …
Members of the Seraphic Fire ensemble will perform works by Gregorio Allegri, Josquin de Prez, Nikolay Kedrov, William Byrd, and others in an exploration of the rich history of choral music. Free “Music of the Passion” concerts will be held for the community at two South Florida locations: Friday, March 28, 2025, starting at 7:30 …
Festivals, live entertainment and hands-on activities are among the variety of events offered in Pompano. Lots of events are free. They’re ideal for dates, families and solo excursions. Events in Pompano Beach include 2025 events Spring Palooza 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. March 22 is Spring Palooza with a petting zoo, rides, bubble show, entertainment, …
Ready for some fun outdoors? Pompano Beach offers free live entertainment as part of its “Music Under The Stars” events. Usually on second Fridays, except June, July and August, delight in entertainment from different bands at the Great Lawn venue, on Atlantic and Pompano Beach boulevards. Live events, when offered, usually are 7 p.m. – 9 …
Grab a portable seat or blanket. Free live music events called Starlight Jam Sessions are offered at the Gazebo in Palm Aire in Pompano Beach in January and February. Performances in jazz in 2025 include: 6 p.m. Saturday, February 15. Lizzy & The Gents Trio, 6 to 7:30 p.m. The venue is 623 Oaks Drive, …
If you and your pals like to ponder such intriguing facts as the number of toes on a sloth while sipping beer or nibbling on appetizers, several restaurants and bars in Broward offer trivia night events. Play alone or round up friends and form a team. Most trivia night events are free to play while patronizing the …
Free concerts featuring local performers are featured at Lunch with Art: The LIVE Music Edition events at 12:15 p.m. the third Thursday of every month. Upcoming events in 2025 include: Jan. 16: Bianca Rosarrio, jazz, blues and standards. Feb. 20: Ulysses Pinkney, R&B and Gospel. March 20: Alex Dean, saxophonist and vocalist. April 17: Nikki …
Old Town in Pompano Beach is the venue for free Backyard Jams events featuring local and regional bands. The events are 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. select third Fridays and entry is free. Entertainment includes: January 17 Box of Rocks February 21 Hangin with Brodie March 21 April 18 May 16 Stryder The venue is …
Eligible apparel, household items and other goods are typically half-price on Wednesdays at participating Salvation Army Family Stores in Broward. The deal is valid for lots of items at the thrift stores including shoes, purses and other goods, except furniture. Participating stores offer other discounts, such as a discount 0f 50% on yellow items, except …