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Seafood Fest, Marine Flea Market & Car Swap Meet: One admission

Calling all seafood lovers, boat lovers and car aficionados!

The West Palm Seafood Festival is coming to town Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 15-16, 2025, plus it has once again teamed up with the Palm Beach Marine Flea Market, and the Palm Beach Car Swap Meet & Car Show!

According to Larry Burdgick from Under the Sun Promotions, all three events will be accessible for one admission price. Plus, since the events are being held at the South Florida Fairgrounds & Expo Center, there will also be acres of free parking.

So, this mega-event really does have something for everyone of every age. It offers two full days of activities, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $10 ($8 with this ad); children who are age 12 and under will be admitted for free. Note: One admission price gets you into all 3 events!


  • Seafood Festival with crab cakes, lobster rolls, fish tacos, conch, shrimp, scallops and more.
  • Expo with local businesses and nautical vendors and service providers.
  • Live Entertainment and music on two stages.
  • Kids Zone, with rides, arts and crafts and family-friendly activities.
  • Marine Flea Market with collectibles, maps, artifacts, and apparel, etc.
  • Boat Sales & Fishing Gear, including diving equipment, accessories, taxidermy.
  • Car Swap & Car Show, features competitions, parts, vintage memorabilia, specialty tools.
Mary Lou Cruz

About Mary Lou Cruz

Mary Lou worked for the South Florida Sun Sentinel for 21 years. She was a special sections writer in the advertising department for 7 years and worked in the newsroom for 14 years. Before her newspaper career, she worked in the airline and travel industry and has lived in Brazil, Puerto Rico and vacationed in more than 25 countries. Motto: "Learning to live a frugal lifestyle is both an art and a science." She can be reached at

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