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Josie Gulliksen

Josie Gulliksen is a freelance writer and major arts advocate and enthusiast who loves everything cultural and is excited to live in such a thriving community as Miami. A Miami native, aside from Miami on the Cheap, she currently writes for Artburst Miami and contributes to Edible South FL and Miami Media Group. She has contributed to, Biscayne Times and Miami New Times. She worked for nearly a decade at Miami Today as Calendar Editor and arts writer and then worked for 13 years in public relations. She has her own blog Scene Around South FL at

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With most of us spending more time at home, ordering groceries online is more important now than ever however, this could pose a problem for those less experienced with this service. First you visit the store’s website and need to create an account. A majority of the services require downloading an app like Instacart or …

Read More about Order groceries and household products online for pickup or delivery

We may miss out on the bright-hued changing of the leaves but fall still happens in Miami and the cooler weather makes it the ideal time to visit outdoor markets. Even with our warm weather, several of the flea markets and outdoor markets continue year-round while others open only during fall months and during that …

Read More about Miami outdoor markets and flea markets

Living on the CheapMiami on the Cheap is a member of Living on the Cheap, a network of websites published by frugalistas, journalists and consumer advocates. Find practical advice on saving money on groceries, travel and shopping, plus tips from our experts on how to live the good life for less at Living on the Cheap.

Living on the Cheap in the Media