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Touch-a-Truck: Fire Safety, Mandel Public Library, West Palm

TouchaTruck events are not just a chance for kids to look at trucks up close. It's also a fun activity that gives children the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their world and their community. Events like this take the trucks out of picture books and presents them in-person to kids by allowing them to interact with real-life vehicles and the people who operate them.

Preschool age children will enjoy fire safety stories, songs, and fun activities. Meet the West Palm Beach Fire Rescue team as they demonstrate their equipment and give tours of a genuine fire engine.

Space is limited, and in-person sign-up begins in KidSpace at 9:30 a.m. For more information, visit or call 561-868-7703. Note: Events post to the library's calendar within 7 to 10 days of the event, usually not before.

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Mary Lou Cruz

About Mary Lou Cruz

Mary Lou worked for the South Florida Sun Sentinel for 21 years. She was a special sections writer in the advertising department for 7 years and worked in the newsroom for 14 years. Before her newspaper career, she worked in the airline and travel industry and has lived in Brazil, Puerto Rico and vacationed in more than 25 countries. Motto: "Learning to live a frugal lifestyle is both an art and a science." She can be reached at

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