Lion County Safari is now open and you can enjoy discounted tickets to the ever-popular drive-thru safari.
Best of Palm Beach
When the clock turns to 5 pm, you immediately change from work-mode to play-mode and you are on the hunt for the best happy hour around. Where can you go to get the best deals? We have a list of some of our favorite destinations. Best Happy Hour in Palm Beach County Avocado Grill …
The Society of the Four Arts is home to peaceful, colorful gardens that you can visit for free almost anytime. In addition, the Garden Club of Palm Beach offers free community events here. You’ll find the Four Arts at 100 Four Arts Plaza, Palm Beach, FL. Sculpture and botanical gardens are free The Philip Hulitar …
Enjoy live music any night of the week at these 10 popular West Palm Beach venues.
South Florida summers can seem overwhelmingly oppressive, but you can beat the heat by staying indoors and getting crafty. Resource Depot, located at 2508 Florida Avenue in West Palm Beach is your go-to spot for crafting resources, classes, and treasures — saving time, money and the planet. Waste Not, Want Not with Resource Depot Resource …
Whether you are a regular thrift shop explorer or are looking for something to do on a dreary day, there’s something about thrift shops that have us coming back for more. It’s a hunt for that needle in a haystack, our search for our hidden find, and the gem that is waiting to be found. So …