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Drive-thru Farm Share Food Distribution event, West Palm Beach

Food Distribution sites have always been around, but lately, they've been popping up in more places, thanks to Palm Beach County's community efforts. This event offers free food to help out families who need it the most in the West Palm Beach area.

Farm Share is one of Florida’s leading food nonprofits and the state’s largest food bank dedicated to helping the underserved build healthy communities by providing food-insecure residents with nutritious food items.

Click the link to view a video about Farm Share free food distribution:

To obtain food, you need to arrive in a vehicle with a trunk or cargo bed. First-come, first served. Financial donations are accepted via

Also find more resources at: Free food distributions.

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Free and cheap things to do in Palm Beach County this week:




Mary Lou Cruz

About Mary Lou Cruz

Mary Lou worked for the South Florida Sun Sentinel for 21 years. She was a special sections writer in the advertising department for 7 years and worked in the newsroom for 14 years. Before her newspaper career, she worked in the airline and travel industry and has lived in Brazil, Puerto Rico and vacationed in more than 25 countries. Motto: "Learning to live a frugal lifestyle is both an art and a science." She can be reached at

Living on the CheapMiami on the Cheap is a member of Living on the Cheap, a network of websites published by frugalistas, journalists and consumer advocates. Find practical advice on saving money on groceries, travel and shopping, plus tips from our experts on how to live the good life for less at Living on the Cheap.

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