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Doral seniors get free on-demand transport with Freebee

If you're over the age of 65 and live in Doral, you probably appreciate not having to drive and navigate traffic or looking for a parking spot when you don't have to. Well thanks to a new program, the City of Doral launched a free ride-share, on-demand option with Freebee and its fleet of electric vehicles.

This eco-friendly option now provides free door-to-door transportation for seniors Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; and Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-midnight; and Sundays, noon-6 p.m.

Credit: Freebee, courtesy: City of Doral

Pick-up or drop-off available within Doral city limits to or from the following points of interest:

  • Doral Legacy Park
  • Publix – Doral Park
  • Doral Police Training & Community Center
  • City of Doral Police Station
  • Publix – Doral Commons
  • Aldi
  • Morgan Levy Park
  • Winn-Dixie
  • CVS
  • Doral Central Park
  • Sam’s Club
  • Sedano’s Supermarket
  • Walmart
  • Walgreens
  • Lady of Guadalupe Church
  • UHealth Jackson Urgent Care
  • Doral Glades Park
  • Doral Meadow Park
  • Trails & Tails Park
  • HCA Hospital
  • Baptist Health Hospital
  • Quest Diagnostics
  • Publix – Doral Isle
  • Baptist Urgent Care
  • Veterans Park
  • Jackson
  • Concentra Urgent Care
  • Miami International Mall 

Rides can be requested by contacting Freebee’s dispatch line at 855-918-3733 and providing your pick-up and drop-off location. Additionally, rides can be requested via the Ride Freebee mobile app.

How it works

  1. Register for the program and create a profile by providing your name, date of birth, email address, and phone number.
  2. The Freebee dispatch team advises passengers that they will need to provide a valid ID upon pick up on their first ride request. Once verified, riders will no longer need to show ID moving forward.

Freebee is headquartered in South Florida and pioneered free, on-demand, 100% EV public transportation. To learn more, visit or the Freebee in Doral web page.

Also read our post: Free transportation in and around Miami-Dade.

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More transportation info

Mary Lou Cruz

About Mary Lou Cruz

Mary Lou worked for the South Florida Sun Sentinel for 21 years. She was a special sections writer in the advertising department for 7 years and worked in the newsroom for 14 years. Before her newspaper career, she worked in the airline and travel industry and has lived in Brazil, Puerto Rico and vacationed in more than 25 countries. Motto: "Learning to live a frugal lifestyle is both an art and a science." She can be reached at

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