Manatee Lagoon will celebrate its second anniversary with ManateeFest 2018. This free event will take place on Feb. 3 and 4 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and include events perfect for the entire family.
Guests will enjoy complimentary face painting, a photo experience with Mia the Manatee and a SEAsational selfie station, a marine life-themed coloring station, an interactive H20 bus exhibit and more.
Guests will also have the opportunity to fill out a Manatee Lagoon passport activity book, where stamps will be earned as the visit stations throughout Manatee Lagoon. Prizes will be awarded.
Other activities include a book signing with Robert Scott Thayer, author of “Kobee Manatee,” and there will be many exhibits throughout the park.
Admission is free, as is parking. Food and beverages will be available for purchase onsite.
Manatee Lagoon is located at 6000 N. Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach.
For more information on ManateeFest, visit the event's Facebook page.